Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Honestly, a phone call goes a LONG ways. With so many variables involved, like the date, timeframe, number of attendees, type of food, etc., events can get set up in a matter of minutes, (402)477-1175. Stopping in and talking to a manger is also a great option. Emails work, but tend to take much longer.
Sorry, even though we love all of our furry friends, we do not allow any animals at Spikes. Obviously, if they are a certified service animal, they will be allowed.
16. If you can drive to Spikes you can play at Spikes. We will also allow players down to the ages of 14 and 15. However, a parent or guardian MUST be on the court with them at all times.
We announce league cancellations on the home page of this website on the top banner and we also post them on our Facebook page.